Number of lessons: 98
Available form of lessons: krótka, długa
Opis lektora:

My name is Natacha Banteye, I am a Burundian living in Burundi. I am 29 years old. I did my Primary school in Burundi and my College In Kenya. I worked with my father who has a Nursery, Primary and Secondary school. I worked there as a school Administrator, Librarian, and as a French teacher. I would be very happy to use my knowledge of French to help individuals both young and old to understand how to speak French and to become fluent in French language. My goal next year is to visit Poland and to also become a French teacher in either Gdansk, Warsaw or Cracow.

What do the students say about us?

Below are the latest opinions from our students, it's worth getting to know them!
I took the online lessons. The lesson content is good and the cost is affordable. Teacher Emilia is great and always willing to help her student improve.
I really, really recommend this school! I have attended and cooperated with many different language school but this one is absolutely fantastic! People working there are very helpful and you feel that their students’ needs are their priority. Prices are also very reasonable. So if you want to learn Polish, you should definitely join this school!
I wholeheartedly recommend this school! The help they offer, the way they deal with students is outstanding and extraordinary and it’s been a real pleasure to cooperate with them. I hope that very soon I’ll be able to join their classes again. So if you have a dilemma what language school to choose (and yes-there are so many of them), don’t hesitate any more-just sing up for SpeakPolish school.
I am very satisfied with my 1 semester experience with this course. I studied Polish with Emila and I recommend it to everyone, as she will not let you get bored and will patiently help you with all your questions. Thanks to everyone, especially to Emilia! ?
The online conversation lessons are very informative and also enjoyable. The teachers are very considerate and supportive. The prices of the courses are reasonable. All in all this is an excellent school
I have been having classes at SpeakPOLISH for a few month now. As a medical student, things gets really busy and chaos from time to time, so I had to change classes to cope with my life. I am extremely thankful for the help I received from everyone here. I really appreciate the support!! Bardzo dziękuję z całego serca! :)


Verbly to platforma językowa umożliwiająca naukę online. Platforma łączy użytkowników i lektorów z całego świata.

Załóż konto na platformie. Wybierz lektora na podstawie zdjęcia oraz opisu i zacznij lekcję. W czasie pierwszej lekcji ustalimy Twój poziom językowy i zaproponujemy Ci indywidualną ścieżkę nauki. Lekcje są ułożone tak, aby jak najbardziej rozbudowywać Twoje słownictwo i ułatwić komunikację. Rozpocznij przygodę i zacznij mówić w wymarzonym języku.

Wszystko zależy od Twoich doświadczeń oraz predyspozycji. Jeśli boisz się, że nie porozumiesz się z Native Speakerem, który nie mówi po polsku wybierz polskiego nauczyciela lub native speakera mówiącego po polsku.

Verbly jest dla każdego!

Aby korzystać z naszej platformy, wystarczy komputer/tablet/telefon z kamerą i mikrofonem.

Absolutnie nie! Nie musisz umawiać się na spotkanie ani podpisywać umów na kilka miesięcy do przodu. Nasze reguły są jasne, czytelne i dostępne dla wszystkich.

Tak, oferujemy kursy stacjonarne w Gdańsku, Krakowie, Warszawie oraz Katowicach oraz kursy ONLINE.

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